School Policies » Excursions and Field Trips

Excursions and Field Trips

Excursions and field trips are encouraged and recommended to supplement learning experiences. Newsletters are sent home prior to each field trip and written permission slips are required for each trip.

Money collected for bus fare is not refunded in the event the student is unable to participate in the field trip because the cost of the bus is prorated among students. (If the money is refunded, there is a possibility that the total will not be sufficient). Money collected for admission will be refunded should a student be unable to attend the field trip.

Deadlines on the permission slip must be adhered to. Money to pay for a field trip will not be accepted on the day of the event or after 11:00 a.m. the day before the trip. (Our deposits to the bank are made daily).

Students without medical insurance coverage are not allowed to attend field trips.