Grade 3


Red Hill Weekly Choice Board

Grade: 3

Week: 8 (May 26th-28th)

Directions: The following activities have been compiled by the grade level to support the review of concepts that have been covered from quarter 1-3.  Each of the following activities are suggested for your child to complete throughout the week posted.  This is a way for your families to adjust to your schedules at home and for students to have a choice as to when they would like to complete the activities throughout the week.  Each activity shouldn’t take more than about 20-30 minutes to complete. For more resources click here @hawaiipublicschools





Social Studies

Free Choice

Story: In Google Classroom, read “The Wise Choice”

Reading Response: After reading the article, click “Questions.”

Review Concept:

Rounding game (Astro blaster)

Fraction game (Fraction fighters)

Knights Vs. Orcs (Choose multiplication or division facts)

Place value game (Bango)

Article: Listen to this read aloud How to Code a Sandcastle


Read along to the story “The Wall” by Eve Bunting

Summer Break starts next week! Learn about the powerful Sun and then Make sun paper

Vocabulary: In Google Classroom, using the same story, click on “Vocabulary” activity.

Skill Practice

Click the links above to review the 4 different skills!

Response: After listening to the read aloud try this #RainbowTrail A Coding & Coloring Activity


Share with someone at home what you learned about the importance of Memorial Day

Harness the energy of the sun with your own DIY solar-oven

Reading Skill: Theme

Enrichment Activity: Watch this video Real Life Math.

Then find examples of real life math around you (at home, in your yard, etc). 

Enrichment Activity:

Play the Binary Coding games

Cisco's Binary Number Game [Binary Blitz

Play CodeCombat Levels

Enrichment Activity:

Pick one of the following:

Write a Letter to a Veteran

Make a Patriotic Wreath

Painting for Kids: How to Make a Salt Painting With Watercolors

Write: Question #5 in Google Classroom.  Type  your response as a RACE paragraph.

Problem of the Day: Click this link to solve the Mystery Number problem of the day. 

*optional send a pic to teacher

Video:  learn more about Coding with these videos.

Video 1     Video 2       Video 3


Memorial Day Video

Continue to practice your Multiplication Facts throughout the summer with these 30 Fun, Hands-on Ways to Practice Multiplication


***Additional to the activities above, we would like your children to continue accessing iReady lessons twice a week for 30 minutes for ELA and twice a week for 30 minutes for math as these are tailored to their specific strengths and needs.  We would also like them to continue to read daily for 20-30 minutes.  We would also like your children to continue to review their math skills such as addition/subtraction fact families and multiplication tables daily.


Monday is Memorial Day! 
Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:00-10:00 am 
Fun Friday Meetings: B8 9am, B10 9:30am, B5 10am
This week's Spirit Dress Up is: "Summer or Beach Attire"
Last week of school!!